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17. The statue of David / Lumbar Spine & Sacrum
Osteopathy Video Playlist
9m 35s
Why most people appear to have one leg shorter than the other. How I correct it and showing you how to prevent and correct it for yourself.
Up Next in Osteopathy Video Playlist
18. Tap Your Troubles Away /An Unusua...
This persistent injury neatly illustrates how we are fundamentally a self-healing unit, and structure governs function. Identifying the fault, and in a few minutes there is dramatic improvement. Some self-help will continue the process.
19A. Where do I begin / A complex hip...
Structure governs function. Almost immediate improvement of function by unlocking some contributing factors
19B. Where do I begin (continued) / I...
This is not treating Asthma, yet in a few moments, by addressing structure and function, there is a dramatic change in this patient’s chest and lung function